
LIMS System Setting Data Model

Setting Data Model

User Model

User IDUnique identifier for the user
UsernameUsername for logging into the system
PasswordEncrypted password for user authentication
EmailEmail address of the user
RoleRole or permission level of the user
Last LoginDate and time of the user’s last login
Created AtDate and time when the user account was created
Updated AtDate and time when the user account was last updated

SystemConfiguration Model

Config IDUnique identifier for the system configuration
Config KeyKey or name of the configuration setting
Config ValueValue of the configuration setting
DescriptionDescription or purpose of the configuration setting

Standard Model

Standard IDUnique identifier for the standard
Standard NameName or title of the standard
DescriptionDescription of the standard
Applicable AreasAreas to which the standard is applicable
Created AtDate and time when the standard was created
Updated AtDate and time when the standard was last updated

Equipment Model

Equipment IDUnique identifier for the equipment
Equipment NameName or description of the equipment
Equipment TypeType or category of the equipment
ManufacturerManufacturer of the equipment
Model NumberModel number or identifier of the equipment
Calibration StatusStatus indicating whether the equipment is calibrated
Calibration DateDate when the equipment was last calibrated
Maintenance StatusStatus indicating whether the equipment is under maintenance
Maintenance DateDate of the last maintenance activity
Created AtDate and time when the equipment was added to the system
Updated AtDate and time when the equipment information was last updated


Backup IDUnique identifier for the backup
Backup TypeType or method of backup (e.g., Manual, Automated)
Backup TimestampDate and time when the backup was performed
Backup LocationLocation where the backup is stored
Backup StatusStatus of the backup process (e.g., Successful, Failed)

Integration Model

Integration IDUnique identifier for the integration
Integration NameName or description of the integration
Integration TypeType or method of integration (e.g., API, Webhook)
Integration StatusStatus of the integration process (e.g., Active, Inactive)

AuditLog Model

Log IDUnique identifier for the audit log
ActionAction performed (e.g., Login, Data Access)
User IDIdentifier of the user performing the action
TimestampDate and time when the action occurred
IP AddressIP address of the user’s device
DetailsAdditional details or information about the action
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