
LIMS System During-Testing Data Model

During Test Data Models

Engineer Model

Engineer IDUnique identifier for the engineer
Engineer NameName of the engineer
Engineer RoleRole or position of the engineer (e.g., Test Engineer, Field Engineer)

TestExecution Model

Execution IDUnique identifier for the test execution
Test IDIdentifier of the test being executed (Foreign Key to TestRequest Model)
Test Start TimeDate and time when the test execution started
Test End TimeDate and time when the test execution ended
Engineer IDIdentifier of the engineer conducting the test (Foreign Key to Engineer Model)
Test ResultsResults obtained from the test
Execution StatusStatus of the test execution (e.g., In Progress, Completed, Aborted)

TestData Model

Data IDUnique identifier for the test data
Execution IDIdentifier of the test execution associated with the data (Foreign Key to TestExecution Model)
Data TypeType or category of the test data (e.g., Measurement Data, Observation, Log)
Data ValueValue or content of the test data
Data TimestampTimestamp indicating when the data was recorded
Data SourceSource or origin of the test data
Data DescriptionDescription or additional information about the data

Picture Model

Picture IDUnique identifier for the picture
Execution IDIdentifier of the test execution associated with the picture (Foreign Key to TestExecution Model)
Picture FileFile containing the picture
Picture TimeTimestamp indicating when the picture was taken
Picture TypeType or category of the picture (e.g., Equipment Setup, Test Procedure, Test Result)
Picture SourceSource or origin of the picture (e.g., Camera, Mobile Device)

Record Model

Record IDUnique identifier for the record
Execution IDIdentifier of the test execution associated with the record (Foreign Key to TestExecution Model)
Record TypeType or category of the record (e.g., Observation, Note, Log)
Record ContentContent or information captured in the record
Record TimeTimestamp indicating when the record was created
Record SourceSource or origin of the record (e.g., Manual Entry, Sensor Data)

TestReport Model

Report IDUnique identifier for the test report
Execution IDIdentifier of the test execution associated with the report (Foreign Key to TestExecution Model)
Report ContentContent or details included in the test report
Report Generated ByName or identifier of the user who generated the report
Report Generation TimeTimestamp indicating when the report was generated
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